Other useful and related Web Sites

DoloMatrix group of companies
- Toxfree group
- Toxfree, the proud owners of SRL Plasma is one of Australia’s leading integrated waste management and industrial services providers.
- Chemsal Pty Ltd
- Waste treatment and resource recovery
- Chemical transport and storage
- Hazardous chemical relocation of laboratory chemicals
- Chemsal is an "Opertor" of the Hazpak densification process , which deals with "cylindars".
- Contaminated site remediation
- BCD Technologies Pty Ltd
- PCB waste treatment using PLASCON® (both pure PCB and PCB contaminated oils are treated)
- Decontamination of solids contaminated with PCB , for example transformer cores and casings
- Safe treatment of pesticides using PLASCON® including DDT, Dieldrin, Aldrin and Chlordane
- Destruction of ozone depleting substances (ODSs) such as refrigerant gases, including CFCs, and Halon gases using PLASCON® . Refer to information about the Montreal Protocol for information about ODSs
- Entech Industries Pty Ltd
PLASCON® Related Links
- Environment Business Australia (EBA)
- Environet
Montreal Protocol
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) in North America
Remtec International, Contact Ron Marcus
Other wastes in North America, and all wastes in Central & South America
MAPA Distributors, Contact Paco Larzabal.