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Control & Monitoring

The PLASCON® process control  system has been developed to enhance the unique attributes of the in-flight plasma process. The process control system integrates the various elements of a complete PLASCON® system:

  • PLASCON® Skid
  • Waste feed system
  • Plant Services:
    • PLASCON® transformer/rectifier
    • Argon Supply
    • Oxygen Supply (if necessary)
    • Caustic Supply
  • Effluent Handling

The process is controlled via a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The process logic is engineered to satisfy the control functionality for each specific application. There are over 50 process parameters that are monitored on a continuous basis.

An operator friendly interface is provided by the use of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software package. New operators can be trained to operate PLASCON® in seven to ten days.

The process control system has been developed to enable safe, unmanned operation 24 hours a day and will execute an automatic shutdown sequence in the event that system control parameters are breached. An emergency shut down can be effected within milliseconds, whereas a soft (routine) shut down sequence will be completed within 5-10 minutes. Start up (from cold) takes no more then ten minutes. Trend data and fault diagnostics are logged on a continuous basis.

The control system is configured to permit remote monitoring from an appropriately configured PC via the internet or with a modem.

Control System Screen Display Control System Screen Display
System ControlSystem Control
Trend Screen
Trend Screen
Set PointsSet Points

For further information on the SCADA software used in the PLASCON® control system, visit the Citect Web Site.